Mau dijelasin ya susah, terus gue mesti gmn? Mau jujur juga malu, tp kalo ngga jujur makin buruk aja nantinya. Ah sen, gimana ini??? Ah penghuni surga bgt......wkwk gadeng canda i luph u ♥ Buat postingan kmrn itu cmn emosi yg terpendam udah dari kapan gt wkwk. Sbenernya sih yg gue ceritain udah gue lupakan gt sejak detik posting itu gue publish. Hmm intinya buat si itu yg makan temen, gue sih sabar ajaya hehe. Kalo yg 1 lagi, hmm yg itu sih salah paham. Sbenernya masalahnya gue aja yg gamau jujur kalo sbenernya wkt dia ngejodohin gt, gue cemburu........wkwk tp sok kuat gt gue bilang stuju stuju. Ah tapi kalo skrg kan udah lupa, yg penting dia senang. Dia seneng, gue pasti seneng. Apalagi sampe sm sahabat gue gt hahaha. Jujur bgt ya gue? Abis takut salah paham aja hehe, gue lg males brantem. Kan bentar lg 14taun (?) Emmmm, gue skrg mau konsen ngebabuin Azman nih wkwk. Bantu aku ya semua!!!! Bls dendam dikit bolehdong?
Eiya, minggu tgl 17 gue ke birthday party-nya Kiko Syadza Meika, oiya happy birthday ibu Kiko hihi. Emmm what a nice glamour party (apacoba gue) hmm smua pake baju formal gt. Jd keliatan sisi femininnya hahahahaha. Duh, tp gue malu pas msk sana....... Bajunya pada bagus, nah gue? Dududu standart hahahaha. Trs kan ada best couple gt, trs pas lg seleksi, masa gue sm Argia wkwk berasa ibu sm anak deh gueeeee hahahahaha. Ah yaudah skip! Hmm tp sayang, banyak yg gadateng huhu lah knp jd gue yg sedih? Wkwk gajelas.
Emm trs gue skrg mau cerita ttg LD. LD? Laras Damara? Bukan alay......tapi Laras Desty wkwkwk. Kenapa dgn dua gadis cantik jelita ini? Emm gapapa kok cuman lg pengen cerita ajah. Jd 2orang ini yg lagi dekeeeeet banget sm gue. Ketawa nangis bareng ya Des, Lar hahahaha. Mungkin kalo sm Desty smua gue kluarin, sampe puas trs plong deh. Gitu juga si Desty, curhat ttg si 'brengsek' yg menurut gue mukanya lucu ahuahauhuahauhuahau. Trs tiba2 gue kawin sm dia, mencoba lupakan tapi aku tak bisa........ Tp ujungnya lupa juga kok, and you know what? Kami sama sama merelakan 'dia' ke sahabat masing2 wkwkwkwkwkwk. Bagus dong ya Des? Mereka ditangan org yg aman Des hahahaha. Yaaaa trs kalo becanda biasanya tiap ngelihat keanehan si Desty, ntah apa kek yg dilakukan. Dimata gue aneh wkwkwk ampun! Gue sm desty dktnya belom lamaaaaaa, coba kita udah kenal dari dulu Des. Mungkin lo ancur kali ya wkwkwk. Terus, Laras. Ah si cantik, gue sm dia bagaikan langit dan bumi. Dia cantik bgt, gue? Hmm ya kata org sih biasa hahahaha dalem abis nggadeng biasa aja. Laras tuh tmn skelas gue di 8e. Nah terbaik nmr 2nya Laras deh, kan nomer 1 chairmate chatmate curhatmate gue wkwkwk. Hmm ya sama kea Desty deh pokoknya, cmn bedanya gue gapernah kawin sm Laras wkwkwk. Ah segitu dulu ya cin. Bye!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Bacotan si Zefanya Sirait at 4:46 PM
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A Body Massage to Gain Height
Having a full body massage helps relieve stress and remove the hard and tough muscles in your body that seemed to have stiffened due to too much pressure. While being massaged, the body undergoes a certain relaxed state, helping a person loosen up his muscles and bones.
A full body massage helps increase height, whatever your age may be. Not only are tight muscles relieved during a session of massage, it also exercises the bones and stretches them. Have you ever noticed that whenever you are being massaged, some of your bones seem to pop and you are relieved and relaxed?
Some gaps between bones are not being filled up with the right amount of fluid that is should contain to work properly. This is caused by stress and an unhealthy diet. A small person that starts practicing a balanced diet, the right amount of sleep, exercise and regular massage therapies, he should expect to grow taller in a matter of weeks. For more information, go to .
Massaging also helps improve posture, which is enough to increase an inch or two on top of your actual height. Many people have become used to standing in a humped style that they do not recognize the adverse effects of such. Height is not the only one directly affected by mal-posture. Several spinal column problems have aroused from employing the wrong posture. Such instances include scoliosis and lumbago.
Many experts actually recommend massaging so that the body will not be totally shocked with the growth enhancing methods that a person goes through to gain some height. One good growth enhancer is the Growth Flex V Pro System. Here you can visit, if you need to know in details, .
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